We’re celebrating Hari Raya and the launch of the much anticipated Primrose double storey cluster home in Bandar Baru Sri Klebang, Ipoh with a competition to win RM3000 Courts Mammouth gift voucher and weekly prizes.
How to enter?
Simply visit our Primrose Cluster Show Home at Bandar Baru Sri Klebang and snap yourself in the home, along with the hashtag #bbskkawkaw to stand a chance to win. Tip: you must set your profile to ‘public’ in order for us to see it and therefore enter.
The post with most creative pose and caption will win the grand prize of RM3000 Courts Mammoth vouchers. Simple as that!
Hurry, contest ends on 12 August 2018 and winner will be announced on 16 August 2018.